Wednesday 8 July 2015

The Fault of the Youth

The least we or anyone can and should do is to stand up and actually tell ourselves that we are responsible for the society we live in today and the future generation. To live with our mistakes and correct it rather than blaming 'anyone else' (or the usual, other political bodies). Rather than being keyboard warriors behind the desks at home, we should be real activists and standing up for what we say or our opinions on social media. Volunteering in NGOs and supporting events or movements towards a better cause. I believe the youth has so much energy and spirit in them but it has been misdirected nowadays. The focus of the current generation has been too much on impressing each other materialistically, or even as simple as through social media. We spend the energy and drive on 'popularity' or the amount of 'likes' we get on each picture. Doing really cool and creative videos only to get that special attention when such energy and creativity could have been put into good purposes. We are capable of so much more than that. Than what the world expects of us. Imagine if things were done differently. The world could have been a better place. The change has to start from us, from the youth.

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