Monday 17 August 2015

Young Love

If you were to ask me, 'Do you love kids?', my answer would always be 'Depends'. Although I never knew why, but I was never fond of all the kids around me. Then a few nights ago at Kechara Soup Kitchen, I finally understood myself, why I've always said, 'Depends'.

It was when these kids surprised me by jumping on my back for a piggy back ride,  was when I knew why. That I've only loved kids who likes interacting with activities rather than what technology offers nowadays. It was a wonder to myself and many around, how I didn't mind that these kids from Chow Kit might be sick or not as clean. But they surprised me with the love they still have for people, that somehow it was alright to play with them, carefree.

"These kids have so much love for the people, even though the society might not have shown them much of it"

And they were just as happy (or maybe even happier) as how other 'wealthy' kids are, just that these kids were sharing the small toy cars and played it together.

I could say that all in one night, not only have I learnt that there was no boundaries to love, but that the littlest things can bring so much happiness in life. These kids have taught me so much and insyaAllah, I hope one day, I can give them the happiness they have given to me. 

Monday 10 August 2015

Part 1 : The Skinny Bakers

My first attempt on starting a baking business started off when I was 12. Typically, it was during the Eid celebration and it was the season for biscuits 'kuih'. I sold a few pineapple tarts with my mum and gained about RM 200. Then, my pursue in my baking business stopped as I was busy pursuing other interests throughout highschool.

Only a few years ago (3 years ago to be exact), I started baking again. And it was for my friends and family. I never baked for myself, really. But surprisingly, the best 'turn-outs' for the many recipes I've tried are usually the ones based on what other people requests of me to bake for them. But the one recipe that really stayed was our 'Chocolate Chip Cookies' that some people would even say, that it tastes better than 'Famous Amous' !

Then it begins ! I started baking for my sister who was pregnant with our first niece when she craved for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Next thing you know, I started baking for my niece, nephews and even my own friends requested for orders. But I was still busy catching up with my A-Levels, so introducing the cookies into the main market was never part of the plan (especially since I was preparing to study abroad)

A year passed by and I've completed my 1st Year of my LLB Law studies, came back for my Raya Holidays and my family requested for the cookies again ! Even after a year away from home and baking, I came back with people still requesting for the cookies, especially my lovely niece and nephew. My mum started learning how to bake the cookies from me, since I was to go back to UK and continue pursuing my studies (at least ada la for someone to bake the cookies whilst I was away). And next thing you know, BAM ! The idea to start a business just came with the flow (Also due to much encouragement from others, which are most definitely much appreciated).  Our motives & plans for the future of the business you may ask ? We'll definitely keep you posted in the future blog posts. 

So, here it goes. To the first 3 weeks of pursuing our business, 'The Skinny Bakers'. With everything going well so far (alhamdulillah), much gratitude goes to those who have been supporting us from the very beginning. Cheers !