Wednesday 12 October 2016

The Skinny Bakers x FVBridal

Okay, I cannot contain the excitement anymore ! My mum and my sister is currently at FV Bridal's launching at St. Regis !!

Its been about a year since I've been chasing and finding ways to work with FashionValet, to find for ways to collaborate with them. I mean Vivy & Fadza are such aspiring entrepreneurs and for us to be able to collaborate with them and FashionValet, is a dream come true !! 

I've been finding ways to collaborate with FV and when they told us about this private event, we were more than thrilled to be part of it ! Our cookies are now part of door gifts at the end of the event !

Okay at first the event was planned to be earlier and I thought I could make it but the dates were changed and I had to miss out on it since I had to fly back to the UK and pursue my final year in my law degree, which at first I was pretty bumped but I saw the silver lining, that my lovely sister could go and bring her brand with her too for the event, "The Zaahara Telekung". Definitely was feeling happy that we could provide opportunities to my other siblings as how they have supported us and provided us opportunities from the start <3 

Couldn't have made it without the family's support!

But I missed out on my first fashion show though ! I never thought I would ever be invited to a fashion show and to be invited the first time because of my own product (with my mum ofcourse), was AMAZING! I'm still feeling as happy and excited as if I was there at the event though !!

The event is ongoing now and I've been getting pictures from Afiq Nazar, our great photographer (thank you so much Afiq) ! Its okay, I'll try to get my sister or mum to Facetime me while they are there at the event later to atleast be there, visually hehehe. Would also most likely write another blog about the collaboration once the event has ended in Malaysia :)

My day was definitely made though with these pictures all the way from home !! Hardwork does definitely pays off ;) 

Thank you Vivy, Fadza and the FV team for making it happen for us :))
Really appreciate it beyond words !


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