Friday 4 November 2016

To Constantly Try

Just a thought in mind, 
For most of us Muslims, we believe that our life is a test, that everything here is tested, but are we really taking the in-depth meaning to this ?

Lets just say we have to prepare for an exam next week,
We would prepare many months ahead (or for some of us, its last minute) for that exam,
And no matter how many times we fail or we didn't get our goals, we still pick ourselves up and try our best for the next one
Even if the test was difficult, we would feel so bummed that we failed it, but why is it that we don't look at our believes the same way? 

You could see also for most of us,
It always go like "yea man, I tried drinking once already, what's the difference drinking more than once, I should just continue drinking and have a hella good time"
But do we do the same thing if it was something so serious like our exams? 
To go like "Oh yeaaa, I missed a few classes and haven't studied, so I should just flunk this exam anyways..."

I think we should see our religion/believes the same way,
Its not about "oh yea, I've sinned, I missed a couple of prayers, might as well not pray at all"
Its about the constant act of trying, no matter how many times you fail
Standing up for something you believe in 
Its okay to break your spirit sometimes, not everyone is strong spirited, 
Just know that no matter what, you always have to keep on trying 

I know its not easy, especially when there's your unwanted conscience saying,
"Nah man, don't do it, you're not gonna gain anything from trying to pray just once after months or weeks or even just days of not praying"
But its about the act of constantly trying

To be honest, it's like me and my hijab,
Some of my friends are like, "Eniza, might as well just take it off for good, there's no difference tryinna wear it"
But that's not the point, the point is to constantly try to wear it in hoping that one day I will get to the point of wearing it full time (insyaAllah)

Doesn't matter if its religion or any type of believes,
Whether you're a vegan constantly trying to get back to eating full on vegetables,
Or if you're running a marathon next month but you are not that well prepared yet,
You should constantly try and never give up on something you love, like, enjoy or believe :) 

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