Wednesday 22 February 2017

Results, Results, Results

Some of us go through 'depression' when we get bad results from our exams - some of us get suicidal thoughts while some of some actually end up really committing suicide when we feel like we've tried our best but it doesn't seem to show on paper - And most of us feel as if the world is coming to an end, as if there is no future ahead of us especially since the "successful uni drop out icons" might not apply to us since we feel like we've only got one shot, and that is through university
I honestly felt that way - the last bit (don't worry, not suicidal thoughts or depression I feel like) - But the truth is, in the end of the day, those papers you've sat, the nights you've spent awake trying to perfect your assignments, they can only determine your future to a certain extent - in the end of the day, what really matters is your "life survival skills"
For most of us, we can't even recall what exact grades we've gotten for our UPSR, PMR, SPM etc. And after those major exams, we just move on to another - and it feels as if getting a degree is the last 'qualification' - but there's more to that. I am not implying that I will (or should you) take your degree/exams lightly - it is important; to make the best of what you've got right now. In fact, its crucial to make what you have now the best as you can cause you don't know what you've got laid down for you in the future. But, if you've tried your best and things don't work out, just know that there's so much that lays ahead of you - don't let those digits on a paper limit on how much you feel like you deserve in the future. That's just it, you try the best as you can but if things don't work out, you never give up ! That's the beauty of life, that you're given so many opportunities to thrive no matter what - we're all given the luxury to learn from our failures and mistakes - so long as you keep moving forward! (Also, if you are a believer, believe that He always has his own plans for you :) )
*life is too short to be upset for too long - so turn the frown upside down !*

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