Thursday 28 May 2015

How to Backpack Alone For Dummies (Like Me)

So, I decided to mix it in a little on how I travel alone and how to back pack for dummies,
A better name for this post would rather be,
How to Backpack Alone For Dummies (Like Me)

1) Get a good rucksack or bag pack
Don't get them cause they look good or cause they look cool in the pictures for 'Ticked of Backpacking from my Bucketlist'. Get the ones that are affordable and you know you would be able to carry. Make sure that it's not too heavy and that its not too fancy so you can rough it out a little. I got mine from Karrimor at Sports Direct when it was on sale. Mine's 65 liters, which most of the time, is more than enough knowing that I pack really lightly. I even have extra space for another set of shoes. When you check out the bag you're choosing, try to imagine the stuff you're gonna put in and if the compartments in the bag suits them (eg: where to put extra shoes or hidden extra money). Get a fanny pack or a waist bag to carry items such as camera, passport and small amount of money for easy access. Got mine for about 4 pounds from Amazon. 

2) Pack wisely and lightly !
Bring a good book and plug yourself in with music, that's how you'd enjoy your time alone (well atleast that's how I enjoy mine hehe). Always roll your clothes as it'll prevent the possibility of you having to iron them unnecessarily as you travel. Its always best to bring cotton tops. Never bring too much especially jeans.They put too much weight. Just bring one or two extra whilst wearing one. Never forget to bring a pair of leggings, as they might come in handy incase you decide to go on some wet adventure. Know that you would be able to wash your clothes at some of the hostels you stay in. If you think you can fit in a pair of light shoes, feel free to do so incase your shoes get wet. Bring a really small towel; invest on a travelling towel which campers usually use as they're really light and dry up fast ! If you're a muslim, get a travelling telekung which you can get from [my sister's online web haha]. Note that, the more you bring, the more you would have to carry. Also, always weigh your bag after you're done packing. 

3) Before choosing your destination,
Do check out on if your destination is safe enough especially if you're travelling alone. They usually give tips at the section 'Safe' so you'd be able to think twice about the place you're travelling. Also, check if you need a visa for your passport before buying any flight tickets to the place you plan to travel to ! For flight tickets, if you're planning to travel in Europe, RyanAir is usually the cheapest you can get but never doubt on checking from other airlines as well

4) While choosing your destination, 
Note that there were a times when I visit to get the 'Top Things to Do in ...', I overestimated the time I should have spent there. For instance, most of the things they recommended to do in Prishtina was to check out the monuments which could have been done within a day's trip or a couple of hours so choosing to stay there would not be the best idea. Do check out as well as they pretty much recommend good routes if you're out of ideas on how to plan your trip

5) Accommodation & Logistics 
i) Couchsurfing 
ii) Airbnb 
iii) Hostels
Other back packers I've met, some of them decided to opt for by which you would be staying at people's houses for free. You'd also be surprised that airbnb is sometimes cheaper than the hostels so do check them out as well. To plan my transportation, I usually go through . Problem with online schedules is that sometimes they are not updated and they might vary over the weekends. So, it's always better to make a phone call to the bus or train company to double check.  . If they seem pretty hard to get a hold of, risk a little and once you've arrived to the country you've traveled to, quickly ask the information counter at the airports for anything you'd possibly need to enquire. 
Not to forget, check out Eurail and their offers ! 

6) Get into groups !
Most backpackers get into groups by travelling and staying in hostels. You'd be surprised by how friendly other backpackers are in the common rooms and the kitchen. If you could tag along with them, that'd be great. If not, try to check out tour sessions in the day. That's where you can meet other people as well or even possibly be friends with the tour guide :)

7) If you're a girl and travelling alone,
Ask the locals nearby your hostel area if it's safe to go out at night for girls. Never ask only one person's opinion. If it's not safe, then avoid taking the risk and simply just stay in. Chill with other backpackers, plan your next journey or even read a good book ! Also, some places offer all female accommodations as well if you're more comfortable with that. Try to book a place in the city central so you would sort of be safer in many ways. You could put on some earphones and pretend as if you're listening to music if the place you're travelling to has a lot of 'teaser' guys. 

8) Be Creative !
Get out of your comfort zone or the 'typical' travel plannings. Try check out ferry rides as well. For instance; a ferry ride from Croatia to Italy would be pretty cool and affordable or maybe even hitch hike? 

9) Preparing yourself mentally?
Most people tell me, you're pretty brave to go travelling alone. To be honest, I think anyone is actually quite brave enough to do pretty much anything really, its just the 'What If" questions stops you from doing almost everything so stop thinking too much on the bad things that might happen, but start being optimistic, and think about how much you'll enjoy yourself ! If you ever feel lonely, just talk to random people or tag along with people you meet along the way :)

10) Always double check !
No matter where you are or what you do, always be cautious on your surroundings. Going to the toilet, checking out from the hostel, or even just walking in the streets, be aware of what item you have on you and where you've kept it. Its always better not to hold too many things, keep your hands free. 

Last but not least,
Book your tickets now ! Don't procrastinate ! The more you ponder about the idea, the less likely you are up to do it. So you just gotta buy the tickets now and sometimes, figure things along the way :) go with the flow. 

Can't think of anything else for now so that's it for now, atleast. 
Oh, not to forget, have fun ! Enjoy !

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