Saturday 25 April 2015

And this was definitely not part of my plan,

Hi and Salam guys,
This post is a bit personal and close to heart.
But I felt like I needed to write about it to clear some of your thoughts upon my recent event,
Of my decision in occasionally wearing and not wearing my scarf. 

It definitely came out of plan. I've never planned to be one of those girls who does the 'wear and not wear scarf situations'. And hopefully this has nothing to do with my believe and preach towards Allah has been decreasing although 'iman' is never constant; it often goes up and down like life itself. 

I've decided that under certain circumstances, I would choose not to wear my scarf. For instance, when I'm about to travel alone or go for adventures and things that would acquire it to be easier for me not to wear it so. It's definitely not due to peer pressure or trying to look attractive. Some things are just better off experienced without the scarf although I am up for the challenge to wear it still sometimes. It gets pretty hard to explain but I guess some things are better off explained through self experience [not like I'm encouraging you to open your scarf]. Heh.

But if I don't wear it all the time, then "What's the purpose of wearing it occasionally still sometimes? Might as well not wear it riight?"
I wear it as often as I can. I don't expect the whole society to accept me as who I am but 'People are going to judge you no matter what you do. So, might as well do as you wish or think whats best for you'. Just cause I do some sins still, doesn't mean I do not have the rights to wear my scarf still and be a proud muslim. Are you denying that you make sins as well and does that stops you from wearing your scarf? Beyond that, I do see myself permanently wearing it once I've started settling down after uni so this phase of life for me would most likely be temporary for just a couple of years. No worries, I still don't drink or suddenly do drugs. I still try my best to eat Halal food and pray 5 times a day. I still pray that my believe and strength towards practicing my religion would grow stronger. 

What about posting pictures with it ? 
I feel like sharing my experience with my friends, family and the public. And I have the rights to do so :) even my parents are cool with it so yeah 

Its definitely not something that I am completely proud off but it is definitely something I wanna do just for this couple of years till I properly settle down. Please note that this post is never intended to encourage any of you to not wear your hijab. It would be really great if your iman is strong enough or even stronger than mine to wear it all the time, despite any temptations 'dunya' has offered you. I do apologise for any misunderstandings and I do admit I do not represent myself as a good muslim but insyaAllah within time and prayers, I will be better. Salam. 

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