Thursday 22 January 2015

10 Steps of Moving On :)

Hey girls (or possibly even guys) ! I know tumblr quotes might be cheesy , but they're quite handy if you could relate to them anyways so be aware that this post might contain many. 

Anyways, as we all know, moving on is the most difficult part of relationships or life as we know it. So here's a post on how I handle 'moving on' and so far has always been a success :

1) Let it out
Just cry it out ! Or shout ! Possibly even talk to someone about it. Make yourself feel better instead of keeping all your emotions in. But, never beat yourself up. Just bear in mind that the tears, the pain, is all temporary. Everybody moves on even though at that particular moment you feel like 'Its end of the world'

2) Think with your brains, not your emotions
Know that relationships in reality are trial and errors. You fall in love, and you try to work it out between the two of you, and if it doesn't work out, its simply just not meant to be. There is literally no point of beating yourself up and making yourself miserable over something that was not even destined to happen in the long run or part of your future. 

'This is all part of life'

3) Keep yourself occupied
Mentally or physically. Pronto !

4) Make yourself a better person, in order to find/deserve the better person

We would always feel as if we can't find someone better than the last person we were with. Then, do something about it ! Rather than just merely accepting that fact. Make yourself a better person, in order for you to find someone better. Someone who can make you as happy or happier :)

5) Focus on building your own character
One thing we all know is that being with someone for too long sometimes makes us lose our own character, our own personality. Because we spend too much time with that particular person. So, since you're finally available, you would have so much time to figure your own identity and build your own character !

6) Prevent yourself from being alone for too many times
Being alone too often makes one over thinks unnecessarily. But I don't literally mean occupy yourself with booze, parties and friends all the time since you've broken up (Well, you could do that if that works out for you. Hahaha). What I guess you should do as well is, consider doing good to others ! Doing good to others can surprisingly make you feel better. If not, be part of a student body or society. Think and do something progressive ! Possibly even something to do with starting up a business maybe ? Haha 

7) Never give up on yourself 
' She is unstoppable not because she is successful. But because she never stops picking herself up no matter how many times she's fallen' 
If you ever feel down again, and again, depressed or possibly upset, stop beating yourself up, and pick the pieces of yourself up again and again. Never give up. Remember, everybody goes through this. And you definitely can make it !

8) Know it yourself, you are going to be a stronger person !
Give a tap on your own shoulder for making it through so far. Moving on is difficult but you'll get through it. Everyone does. And you'll definitely be a stronger person from then on :)

9) Life is too short to be pondering about the past

You are not who you were yesterday. People change everyday, whether its a little or a lot. So whenever you think about the past, think back again about who you are today. You're definitely not the same person as who you were when you were with that particular someone. You're definitely a better and stronger person, so pondering and complaining about the past is just a waste of time !  Life is too short, look how many years have passed already in so little time. Go out ! Go for a jog ! Make yourself productive !

10) Take the good, leave the bad (Acceptance)
In everything there is good and bad. Just take the good, and leave the bad. Learn from your previous relationship and make your next one, a better one, and possibly everlasting. That person came into your life for multiple reasons, just accept the many reasons (good and bad), and think how it is going to be beneficial for your future !

In the end of the day, we are destined to be with that particular someone and there's just so many fishes in the sea, that probably we haven't met the right one, just yet :) 

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