Saturday 24 May 2014

Why I Wear It ?

It started off during last year's Ramadhan. I actually had a dream a man was following me wherever I go and giving me a scarf , telling me I forgot that I left it behind. And when I asked my friends in the dream who the man was , they somehow said it was a man from heaven. 

But it was beyond that actually. I have been longing to wear it that I thought about it everyday. Like to an extent where it was bugging me. It was even once when I was dating a Chinese and he said to me to not wear tight clothes as men will be staring at me like animals. 

Anyhow, I went for talks and the most effective speech was quoted by Mufti Menk when he said , 

' Your Iman is like a diamond in the house. There will be lots of robbers trying to steal it. And in this case the robbers would be the Syaitan' 

Ever since then, I thought, I might as well grab the feeling of 'jihad' now, rather than having the possibilty of losing the feeling one day. 

No denial that once in a while I do have the urge to open it but hey , we have urge to do other things too once in a while, doesn't mean we have to do it :) and to acknowledge it as a piece of clothing that I must wear, leaves it as not an option but to be practiced as a good habit. 

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